Friday, October 31, 2014

Daylights Savings Time, November 2nd

Spring Forward; Fall Back!

I's that time of year again where we are pushing our clocks back an hour to gain extra day light. 

So don't forget to change your clocks.  But just in case you do there are a few tricks to remember if you get confused.
1. Most computers and cell phones will automatically change the time as long as your device is set to the right time zone.
2. If in the US, turn on the TV or the radio and wait for the time to be displayed or turn to a news channel.
Change your clocks on all time-telling devices such as:        
•microwaves/ ovens
•alarm clocks
•clocks in cars
•wrist watches
•any other gadget with a clock/watch on it
I'm looking forward to the extra hour in the day.  How about you?

Fun Fact : Did you know?

Most areas of North America and Europe observe daylight saving time (DST), while most areas of Africa and Asia do not.

More info:  Wikipedia Link


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